Sqlite db reader
Sqlite db reader

sqlite db reader

at the bottom-most layer, you have a sqlite database module that does only low level things with ANY database. ġ) ModuleOne is a bad name and not indicative of it's purpose - vs 'sqliteDBModule' for example (I forget the VB 'case' conventions)Ģ) openDB does too much - it should take maybe the name/path to the db, and return a db connection or error (or even throw an exception), that's it - one purposeģ) you could extend your Sqlite 'Module' to implement openDB, closeDB, executeSQL etc etc, but of course I'd say consider what's out there already and re-use/extend itĤ) in addition to (3), I'd say, think of 'layering'/'abstractions'. if you want a quick critique on 'ModuleOne', ok. In general, yes, it should be possible - take a look here for example. You Said "this is not working so well" - could you please use Improve question to indicate 'why not' - it may help people know what you need, it is not clear to me exactly what you're asking for ' To Set Col Header Default Cell Styles DO in PropertiesĭgvOne.Columns( 0).SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.NotSortableĭgvOne.Columns( 1).SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.NotSortable Dim conn As New SQLiteConnection( " Data Source =" & dbName & " Version=3 ")ĭim valuesList As ArrayList = New ArrayList()ĭim cmd As SQLiteCommand = New SQLiteCommand( " Select * FROM ParentTable", conn)ĭim rdr As SQLite.SQLiteDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReaderĭ = New Font("Tahoma", 10)

Sqlite db reader