But if you are going to be carrying over a balance for a month or two, consider a card with a lower ongoing APR. The ideal card for you may not be one without an annual fee. Sometimes they are explained on the credit card agreement, but you can also contact the credit card provider to learn more. Read up on what all the terms mean, such as APR and grace period. Read all the fine print a few times to be sure you understand everything the card offers. Take our quiz Understanding credit card rates and fees Interest and annual fees are two of the biggest figures to watch out for, though you’ll want to understand all credit card fees to best use your card. Carefully comparing and understanding the rates and fees will help you work out the overall cost of each credit card you compare. This will help you compare different rewards credit cards so you can find one that works for you. As well as deciding which rewards program you want, think about how often you’ll use the card and the amount of points you need to redeem rewards. Some credit cards are linked to existing reward schemes, while others have their own rewards programs. If you want to earn rewards for your credit card spending, pay attention to the type of rewards program available. When you’re looking at the complimentary extras during your credit card comparison, be realistic about whether or not you will be able to get value from these features so that they offset the cost of any fees. These perks can add up to hundreds of dollars of extra value, but only if you use them. Examples include travel and medical insurance, airport lounge access, concierge services, and more. Credit cards offer a wide range of complimentary features and benefits that you can use to get more value from the account. These types of deals can give you more value when you first get a new card, as long as you meet the offer requirements. Credit cards often come with promotional features and perks for new customers, such as introductory 0% APRs, bonus points or waived annual fees in the first year. When comparing any type of credit card, consider these key features to narrow down your options. Have a particular provider in mind? Click the logo to compare its suite of credit cards. All international money transfer servicesĬompare Clear Search credit cards by bank.